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ESMT (晶豪科技)

ESMT (晶豪科技)

晶豪科技股份有限公司 ( Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc., ESMT) 为一专业 IC 设计公司,于 1998 年 6 月由赵瑚博士成立 , 总部设立于台湾之新竹科学工业园区。ESMT主要业务包含 IC 产品之研究、开发、制造、销售及相关技术服务,并已于 2002 年 3 月在台湾证券交易所挂牌上市。 

ESMT晶豪科技自创立时便以成为客户各类型内存产品及技术之供应者为职志。有别于搭配于计算机系统应用之主存储器 ,ESMT晶豪科技研发之 DRAM 产品以特定型内存为主,可广泛应用于 PC 外围、信息家电、光储存设备及消费性、通讯等系统。ESMT晶豪科技在与子公司沛讯股份有限公司 (Elite Memory Technology Inc., EliteMT) 共同开发下,已成功建立各种容量 (1Mb 至 128Mb) 的特定型 DRAM 产品线 ( 包含 FP 、 EDO 、 SDRAM 、及 DDR 等 ) ;而本公司研发之 SRAM 产品则集中于高速度、低功率之应用。另外,在关系企业晶沛科技股份有限公司 (Elite Flash Storage Technology Inc., EFST) 于 2002 年成立后,ESMT晶豪集团也正式切入 Flash Memory 之营运开发,目前已完成多种 NOR Flash 之产品开发上市 ( 含 2Mb 至 8Mb,Parallel 及 Serial) 。 

在 2005 年吸收合并集新科技股份有限公司后 , ESMT晶豪科技并已再次扩展产品线至模拟及混合讯号之 IC 领域;目前提供之产品包含音讯转换器 (ADC/DAC) 及 D 类音频放大器 (Class D Amplifier) 等 IC 。 

以设计研发为核心竞争力的晶豪科技,拥有研发、工程、技术人力占约 70% ,能持续以最先进的制程技术,推出诸多具成本效益之高效能产品,以提升客户之市场竞争力。在结合拥有经验丰富之设计、制程、封装 / 测试及生产、品保之技术团队下,ESMT晶豪科技更能及时提供客户最符合经济效益之产品与服务。 

ESMT晶豪科技相信顾客满意及质量第一为市场生存的不二法则,除实施严谨的质量、可靠度验证及产品测试外,ESMT晶豪科技已于 2000 年 8 月通过 ISO-9001 懧证,以期从制度面确保满足客户的需求。


Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc.('ESMT'), a Taiwan-based memory IC design company, was founded by Dr. Chao in June 1998.

ESMT's head office is located in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park. Our business activities consist of R&D, manufacturing, marketing, and the provision of design services for a variety of memories and mixed signal products. Our listing went public in the Taiwan Stock Exchange during March of 2002.

ESMT has initially defined ourselves as a provider of various memory ICs. In contrast to main memory, i.e., DRAM used for PCs, servers, and workstations, our DRAM products focus on specialty DRAM memories, which are used in sectors such as PC peripherals, IA products, consumer products, optical devices, and communication devices. We have been positioning ourselves to market a full range density (from 1Mb to 256Mb) and a wide variety of specialty DRAM products (including FPM, EDO, SDRAM, DDR, Mobile SD/DDR and etc.). Furthermore, in 2002 we entered the flash memory business. A number of NOR flash products, ranging from 2Mb to 32Mb with parallel and/or serial interface, are now available for mass production. To serve the rising market demand of System-in-Package (SiP) and Multi-Chip-Package (MCP), ESMT has successfully established the Know-Good-Die (KGD) product line of above products.

In 2005, ESMT acquired Advanic, a Taiwan based analog and mixed signal design company. This extended our product line to mixed signal devices, including audio ADC/DAC and class D amplifier.

As ESMT's core strengths lie in design capability, 70% of our manpower consists of experienced R&D and technical engineers. We have been constantly adopting advanced processing technology to design and manufacture superior cost/performance products to help strengthen our customers' competitiveness in the marketplace.

Equipped with detailed knowledge and experience from design, processing, backend operation, and quality assurance, our team is able to provide our customers with timely and economic products and services. We obtained the ISO-9001 certificate in August 2000, an indication of our commitment to the architecture and implementation of world class quality systems.

Looking forward, by consistent provision of competitive cost/performance memory and mixed signal IC's, we commit our best efforts to become a long term, reliable business partner for our customers.

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